Drake's Life Blog

Saturday, November 05, 2005


Two weeks ago I received confirmation from my parents they booked tickets to the Broadway musical Spam-a-lot for the day after Christmas. Ever since they asked if the family was interested in going to NYC for Christmas I've been looking forward to the trip. Yesterday I received confirmation my plane ticket to Philly is booked for Christmas. My parents live in Newark, Delaware so we'll spend Christmas there and then stay in NYC overnight. I am very excited as this will be my first trip to New York City. I'll get to experience the Big Apple, Broadway and hopefully some other institutions. Last weekend I also received confirmation someone really does read this blog. A friend from work asked for a RSS feed on my LiveJournal blog. I decided to switch because this one looks prettier and easier to customize. Yesterday I also received confirmation that my co-workers read this blog too. It was promptly reported to my supervisor. No problems arose yet. I am puzzled how it can be found so quickly as it is a very new blog and the search engines probably haven't indexed it very high. I can't find it doing some specific searches. If you have any ideas, I would like to hear them. That fact makes it very creepy and suspicious. It reminded me of this piece done by 60 Minutes.


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